By Faith We Move Mountains

“So, I transitioned out of property management into unemployed rock balancer a couple of years ago. The world’s my oyster, I guess. “This is something that is unique enough for this area that I figured I should cultivate it… Because of the reaction I got from people. Doesn’t matter where I’m doing it; Dennis Scivally …

Unadulterated Joy

35 years ago, this creative and goofy kid sat in shag carpeting and opened what, at the time, was the greatest thing he'd ever seen: the Optimus Prime Transformers toy. It was the end-all, be-all to his existence, and he was elated to receive such a generous gift.  Now, 35 years later as a parent, …

Staying Musical

“I’m keeping kids in band, and, you know, keeping the music alive. Or at least trying to, let’s put it that way. Cleaning, repairing these horns is interesting work. There have been some strange ones. Sometimes, I can’t even figure out how they did what they did to their instrument. How am I gonna fix …


“What makes you the happiest?” “From a professional level, a sense of accomplishment. Especially if I’ve applied any of my particular talents to something or if it was something that wasn’t uniquely suited to my talents. I’ve always had a talent for organizing systems and for creating filing systems. I started my current job about …

Ten Feet Tall

“It’s fun. I get to hang out with friends, meet new people. And it’s very fast. I like smashing the pins. The ball’s very oily; it’s hard to steer. It takes some skills. It’s also very loud. Like, you can’t really talk to people. You can’t really hear anybody very well. “I play basketball, baseball, …

Cape is Friendly

"I'm from Atlanta. A death in the family- my son- brought me here. I'm glad to be here, though. It happened last year in March. He's with the Lord. He's in a better place. I'm okay with it. He was very sweet, he had the best spirit. He and I were so close. He was …


“I was driving down the interstate on a work trip. I saw it coming. Trying to look back, I think I had about two or three seconds from when we saw the axle and tires to when it impacted us. There was really no time to do anything. You just kinda brace for it, basically. …


“What am I scared of? Junebugs. That’s it. And junebugs don’t even hurt you. But they dive bomb you… They touch you… ugh. When I was in grade school and I came home from Girl Scout camp, one was in my room. I still had my sleeping bag out, since I had just gotten home …

Sibling Love

"I'm 6. My favorite part of school is playing in the park. My sister is, um, seventh grade, and my brother is in high school. This is my baby brother. He's seven months old. He's my brother and I like him [followed with a kiss]."