Passing Lessons

“I have two jobs. I’m a club trainer in Cape Girardeau for Southeast Missouri Soccer Club and I've been the director of coaching since the time I got here, since they wanted to start a club with a professional coach. I'm also an associate head coach with my wife at the University where we coach …

Glitz and Glamour

"I was born in a factory somewhere. I never knew my parents. Shortly after birth, I immediately started my career as a fashion model. It was a rewarding but hectic life. The glitz and glamour were an amazing experience, but in the end, the chaos really wore on me, both mentally and physically. It especially …


[6 years old] “I like to do everything when I’m outside. Everything in the entire world. I like to ride my bike and practice. Practice fighting stuff.” Why are you off of school? "We get 3 weeks off of school because of spring break." How did you learn how to ride a bike? "First, mom …


“My 14 year-old always wanted a pig since about 7 or 8 years old, so finally last year we told her for Christmas we will get you one. We found Peanut on Facebook; on Sell it Semo. She was almost three weeks old when we got her. They said she was a miniature pot belly …

Putting in Work

"I enjoy showing cattle because it brings joy to my heart and it makes me feel helpful, responsible and unique. Every time I come out to the farm, I can't wait to see the beautiful and cute faces of my cows Shadow, Daisy and Charlie, and all the others, too. "Showing cattle takes lots and …

Training Day

“I started with a single layer here. I did each layer of Train Town in another room, so I had to measure everything so when it came in, it’d all set down just like you’d build up a real city. If there was a pole in the way or something, I had to make something …

Keepin’ It Bright

"My family moved from Charleston about four years ago, and they came up here to Cape and I've been staying up here since then. I’ve just been trying to stay out of the way of things, You know what i mean? It’s easy to get in trouble, but hard to get out of. It is! …

Everybody Knows Your Name

What’s your favorite thing about being a bartender? “Oh, man; the free time, and believe it or not, I just kinda enjoy people. The majority of them, so, you know… I work in a very laid-back environment, where you hardly see any stress at all. The majority of my customers are my friends, and I …

Sellin’ Soap Not Dope

“I grew up in Memphis, Tennessee. I’ve been in Cape about 4 ½, 5 weeks. What the company does is they hire young people from the inner city and teach them how to work. Put them in a shirt and tie, and teach ‘em how to go door to door and sell; how to do …